Case Study No. 3 (FACEBOOK)

Case #3:

Questions and Answers:

    1. What is facebook?

                 - Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites. It is a place to communicate with friends and family, to share photographs, play social game, and chat interactively with your buddies. It was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook users create a profile page that shows their friends and networks information about themselves. The profile typically includes the following: Information, Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall.

    2. Advantage and disadvantage of facebook?

                   - Advantages of Facebook are the following:
· Allows user search for new and old friends
· Accessible to chosen universities having a high level of security
· Makes it less awkward when communicating with strangers or people you are not        familiar with
· Love attraction - can be used as a dating service system
· Makes it easier to join groups having similar likes and dislikes
· Allows members to check students who are taking the same class, living within the same area, or coming from the same academy

                   - Disadvantages of  Facebook are the following:
· Overcrowding
· Weakening long distance relationship
· Contributes wide-range procrastination
· Rampant addiction
· Stalking is possible
· Acquaintances be labeled as friends

    3. What are the charcteristics of facebook why many people engage in this site?

                  - Characteristics of facebook are the following:

  1. Learnability – Facebook is quite easy to adopt for its intended audience, and has a very intuitive and simple user interface.
  2. Efficiency – people can also find an application that will suit their more advanced needs.
  3. Memorability – it has a consistent layout and graphic design. Facebook rarely pulls any surprises.
  4. Error-handling – less errors because of AJAX, users hardly ever see a blank screen with garbage
  5. Satisfaction – more people satisfy of its look and applications or features.

    4. Can you use facebook in e-Commerce?How?Why?

                 - Yes, facebook can be use as e-commerce by means of the following:

  • Advertising: Businesses use this tab to create adverts that will run on Facebook pages
  • Pages: Businesses use Pages to create a presence on Facebook that will let others join your page as a fan
  • Connect: Facebook connect lets users seamlessly connect their Facebook account and information to your site.
  • Facebook Share: Design a button for your site to make joining your Facebook Page easy for your customers 
  • Discussion Boards: Enable your fans to get their ideas out into the open. Discussion boards let you know exactly what your fans and customers think and want.

    5. How facebook important in the society today?

                - Facebook helps our society, humans wants to be social and facebook allow us to be this way, no matter where we are at.
                - Importance of  Facebook in the society are the  following:

Keeping in touch
By maintaining a profile on these sites, your loved ones, friends and distant relatives don't have to call you everytime just to stay in touch with one another

Job hunting
Several companies are taking advantage of Facebook  to get competent employees. On the other hand, job applicants take advantage of these sites to post their resume and credentials. It's a great tool one can use in order to make a good impression to a company. If you're applying for a computer related job, it would be great to maintain a personal profile.

Many people consider these sites as a work of the devil. It could be. However, one must realize that anything can become good or bad depending on the person's intentions. Social networking sites has shaped our world whether we like it or not and it will become an indispensable tool if it's used for good purposes.

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NightMare said...

Nice POST!

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